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 OEA WINTER SHOWCASE - Fri. Nov. 21st, 8 PM - Downtown Benson

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Number of posts : 47
Age : 52
Location : Omaha, NE
Registration date : 2008-09-06

OEA WINTER SHOWCASE - Fri. Nov. 21st, 8 PM - Downtown Benson Empty
PostSubject: OEA WINTER SHOWCASE - Fri. Nov. 21st, 8 PM - Downtown Benson   OEA WINTER SHOWCASE - Fri. Nov. 21st, 8 PM - Downtown Benson Icon_minitimeWed Nov 19, 2008 12:50 am

Nominees for the Omaha Entertainment and Arts Awards will be holding a Winter Showcase at four venues in downtown Benson - The Waiting Room, Mick’s Music and Bar, PS Collective and the Barley Street Tavern. You can get a wristband for $10 (at any of the venues) and attend live music performances at all four venues for the whole evening. If you're not familiar with the original music being produced by local bands in Omaha, this is a great way to get familiar with them.

I will probably be bouncing back and forth among the venues, so if you don't see me inside one of them, I will most likely be strolling along Maple Street between about 60th and 62nd.

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Number of posts : 162
Age : 58
Location : Omaha
Registration date : 2008-09-04

OEA WINTER SHOWCASE - Fri. Nov. 21st, 8 PM - Downtown Benson Empty
PostSubject: Re: OEA WINTER SHOWCASE - Fri. Nov. 21st, 8 PM - Downtown Benson   OEA WINTER SHOWCASE - Fri. Nov. 21st, 8 PM - Downtown Benson Icon_minitimeWed Nov 19, 2008 4:51 pm

I'm so disappointed this is only one night! I thought it was two nights in the past.
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Number of posts : 47
Age : 52
Location : Omaha, NE
Registration date : 2008-09-06

OEA WINTER SHOWCASE - Fri. Nov. 21st, 8 PM - Downtown Benson Empty
PostSubject: Re: OEA WINTER SHOWCASE - Fri. Nov. 21st, 8 PM - Downtown Benson   OEA WINTER SHOWCASE - Fri. Nov. 21st, 8 PM - Downtown Benson Icon_minitimeThu Nov 20, 2008 12:30 am

Are you thinking of going, Lynne? If so, we can arrange to meet at one of the venues. I will have to work until 7 PM and get something to eat first. That is, if you're not feeling too "old and tired"... What a Face
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OEA WINTER SHOWCASE - Fri. Nov. 21st, 8 PM - Downtown Benson Empty
PostSubject: Re: OEA WINTER SHOWCASE - Fri. Nov. 21st, 8 PM - Downtown Benson   OEA WINTER SHOWCASE - Fri. Nov. 21st, 8 PM - Downtown Benson Icon_minitime

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OEA WINTER SHOWCASE - Fri. Nov. 21st, 8 PM - Downtown Benson
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